What a privilege it has been to work alongside Year 2 over the past month. Because they are going as a cohort to see the ballet ‘The Little Mermaid’, Mr Spink and Miss Savage thought this would be an ideal ‘hook’ for their arts fortnights. Therefore through dance, drama, storytelling, writing and art, we explored and captured a little of the magic of Hans Christian Anderson’s beautiful yet in places tragic story.
- Creating the ‘Sea Palace’…
- in teams!
Sprats and herring provided the fish for our observational drawings which we created using charcoal, graphite, pencil, felt tip and watercolour. Similarly the wonderful shell drawings used these materials as we hatched, dotted, dashed, cross hatched and circled.
Miss Allison worked her magic as she choreographed another memorable dance. Parents and interested adults were the willing audience so that Year 2 could perform and spread the happiness and enjoyment of their routine.
- Creating waves
Here are just some of the lovely comments:
“I loved seeing the children enjoying the dance. Watching them work together was a joy.” Grace D’s dad
“Lovely dancing, smiley faces and everyone looking happy!” Jemima’s Grandma
“The kids worked really hard on the dance; so happy and so impressed with everyone’s effort and behaviour.”
Fine motor skills were the order of the day as we created the willow fish. Weaving of tissue paper, wool and beads ensured that all had their own unique look. Meanwhile, quite a scary looking piece of artwork of a mermaid holding a swordfish inspired their own watercolour and charcoal mermaids!
- Incorporating beads
Through drama and storytelling we immersed Year 2 in the story. Their narrative writes were wonderful.
Mehuli’s mum beautifully shared the purpose of the fortnight in her appreciative comment. It captures the why and heart of what we do:
“The whole performance was really splendid. I really liked the fact that so much creativity is being evolved in each pupil. I am really pleased to see my daughter grow up in the truest sense.”
Year 2 loved sharing their learning with parents and interested adults. Thank you for coming!