What a privilege it has been to work alongside 3C in their exploration of materials. In trios, with a partner as well as independently, Fox Clan built cave art with charcoal, made coiled clay pots, created colourful gestural drawings of ‘foraged’ fruit and produced Monoprints.

In a torch lit art studio, they explored simple expressive mark making using charcoal (made from the burning of wood) and their hands onto sugar paper. They discovered how an eraser could bring light to their marks, how their charcoal markings could be smudged as well as layered with white chalk. The paper was then scrunched up before more charcoal mark making happened. Together, Fox Clan then glued their charcoal artwork onto cardboard to create the exterior cave wall.

Their ‘cave art’ was either a squirrel, deer, fox or mouse. Using Chrome books, each group selected an image of one of these native animals. Then using charcoal they drew the creature-the challenge was to fill the A3 page. The outline of their creature was then drawn and painted onto the interior of the cave.

Their ‘Grog’ clay pots involved the skill of scoring/hatching and applying slip (a mixture of clay and water that resembles a creamy milkshake) so that their coils of clay stuck together. Prior to this, they had to bash the air out of their ball of clay. They then took a piece of their clay, rolled it into a ball and then pressing down with the heel of their hand flattened it into a circle. This became the base of their pot. To make their coils, they took another small amount from their ball of clay and rolled it into a long cylinder (sausage). After scoring/hatching the coil, they then gently wound it around the base. In order to create an even surface, the coils were blended together inside and outside. Using their clay tool, lines were etched onto the clay surface for decoration. During the next few days, the children saw how their malleable material changed to a ceramic material as it dried. Their clay pots were impressive.

Fox Clan’s colourful gestural drawings of the grapes, blackberries and apples was made with lots of quick movements using coloured marker, oil pastel, pencil crayon and watercolour. We saw how our fine lines of hatching and cross hatching gave an effect of shade. These drawings helped us to create our own Monoprints- the one off print technique remembered by the Fox Clan from their feather Monoprints in Year 2.

In addition to the above, the Fox Clan also designed and created tabards from newspaper and then hessian- not animal skin! Initially, a small mannequin and newspaper was presented to each trio.

They then used this design to make a pattern for a child. This was then made into a hessian garment. Running stitch was the stitch used to join the hessian pieces together. The results were inspired, with each tabard unique, and demonstrated collaboration and sewing skills.

Thank you to all the parents, grandparents and interested adults that joined in Fox Clan’s Celebration. As the comments below testify, they too had enjoyed sharing in all the learning that had happened during the fortnight.
“Lovely to see the work the children have produced during art fortnight. Also great to see the children interacting with class mates and chance to chat with teachers.”
“Very informative. Fast paced (when attending with a tired toddler!) interactive and hands on. Lovely to see children work and the range of things done during the topic!”
“It was lovely to see the range of activities the children have been doing and the art they have made. Look forward to the next open day.”