Our first week together, looked at the weather. And both the weavings and batik drew on our designs inspired by symbols of the weather forecast. Snow was white; blues and emerald, lightning black skies and flashes of orange and sunshine rays of reds, oranges and yellows. The wool and dye showcased their designs beautifully.
2H used hot wax to ‘paint’ on their designs. This is the barrier that prevents the dye from bleeding and or spreading where it is not wanted. I was so impressed with the children’s focus and look forward to completing batiks with those children who have yet to have a go.
Meanwhile, Miss Patchett was choreographing a dance where bridges featured-inspired and brilliantly executed by 2H at Friday’s celebration. As one parent commented, ‘The performance was fantastic!’
In the studio, we explored building bridges using mobile, Lego, ‘K’Nex’ and bricks. We understood the need for our bridges to be sturdy and stable. However knowing this and creating them was definitely a challenge.
As architects, we drew up our blue prints and then as engineers followed them. The results were fantastic. Each team managed to work collaboratively to produce some imaginative yet sturdy bridges. They ranged from a simple ‘beam bridge’ to a ‘railroad bridge’/’Truss bridge’-where the triangle shape was used repeatedly on the deck. There was also an attempt at a ‘Suspension bridge’ with thick cables stretched from one side to the other supported by tall towers and held down tightly with anchors.
Dowling, lollipop sticks, cardboard and corrugated card was used creatively. Each group was required to use a saw to cut the dowling and a glue gun to attach the materials together. Once again, there was incredible focus and only a few dollops of burn soother applied.
It was wonderful to share our learning with parents and interested adults as well as have an audience for the performance. Thank you for giving up your Friday afternoons. The feedback was also really encouraging as the following comments share:
‘Brilliant as always! Interactive, fun, educational and engaging-it never ever disappoints. The staff are superb and the children clearly thrive on the multifaceted ways of learning.’
‘We really enjoyed the weaving and the quiz. Mason loved building bridges.’
‘Lovely to see what the children have been up to, and to share in their lovely library.’
‘All the activities are really good. Very good effort by the teaching staff. We would be doing the same activities at home for Christmas.’
‘It was lovely to come and join the kids with this great activities. Looking forward to see more of this kind of sharing.’
‘I really enjoyed seeing Dennis’ work alongside his peers, speaking to the teachers and watching the dance-how well they used teamwork! So proud and such a lovely environment.’
‘Thank you for a lovely afternoon. We have enjoyed seeing what Olivia has been up to and the work she has been creating in both the art studio and the classroom. We particularly enjoyed all the children’s dancing to the ‘Bollywood’ style! Thanks to all involved.
I found this afternoon very interesting. I loved every bit. Also the dance was amazing.’
Fantastic work! Well done to everyone involved.