Year 2- Habitat Explorers

Which animals live the habitats of the ocean, desert, Arctic, rainforest and Savannah? How do the animals adapt to survive in their environment? What do living things need in their habitat? These were the questions that Year 2 explored through Art. 

Focusing on the beautiful patterns and stripes of animal skins allowed the children to practise their sketching skills using different media such as pencil, charcoal and coloured pencils. They outlined and shaded using, cross hatching, stippling and smudging to create the stripes, spots and patterns which allows the animal to camouflage in its environment. 

Animal Silhouette

First the children learned about hot and cold colours found in hot and cold habitats and mixed paint to create shades for their backgrounds. Next, they sketched animal outlines. It was important to refine their sketches before cutting them out carefully with scissors to create the silhouette.  Not an easy task!

Habitat boxes 

What a treat to see the enjoyment and fascination with which each child created their habitat box. They first painted the background for the habitat of their choice using their knowledge of hot and cold colours. The next step was to add to the background by collaging different papers and materials, a task in which they were thoroughly absorbed, crafting rocks, glaciers, foliage, coral and the organisms who lived there. Once complete, the children modelled the animal inhabitants from plasticine and had a great time playing with their magical worlds. 

2C and 2H Weaving 

Inspired by the Spider Weaver story, the children in 2C and 2H learned about weaving. They impressed so much with their independence and perseverance in weaving over and under using first paper then wool, raffia and ribbon to represent either animal patterns or hot and cold habitats. 

2A – Tarzan

Inspired by their magnificent Tarzan dance, the children of 2A steered their Art towards exploring the wonderful creatures that are some of our closest animal relatives: gorillas. 

Finding out about the unique personality of each gorilla, the children began by sketching their faces. This meant learning about the proportions of the face and where to position eyes, nose and mouth as well as looking closely at the shape of the head and direction of eye brows. Mr Arnett challenged the children to create the best gorilla face sketch they could by trying again and again to improve their sketches. The finished faces, each unique, seem to have such amazing personalities which the children imagined in different jungle stories.

The next step was to collage the face with grey and black paper as well as the colourful rainforest habitat. This was painstaking work and 2A impressed with their perseverance and determination. 

Finally 2A collaborated to create a whole class mural of Kerchak, a powerful Silverback who would do anything to protect his family. This was a collage on a much larger scale so the children worked in teams on each area of his body and face. They each added flowers, leaves and butterflies bursting out of the rainforest habitat with paint and oil pastel. These were attached with their families during the Arts Celebration to complete this impressive piece. 

Great afternoon, enjoyable and fun. So good to see how hard all the children and staff have worked over the last two weeks. Well done everyone!

2C Arts Fortnight

2H Arts Fortnight

2A Arts Fortnight

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