School Direct Art Day

On the 2nd May, the art studio had ‘School direct students’ not Allerton CE pupils creating, printing and exploring. Tones and tints in paint, cross hatching and line in drawing, tearing, coiling and relief in collage were just some of the warm up activities.

They were then taken through a series of art process including block printing, lino printing and clay relief. Through a drawing exercise in felt tip, the students collaboratively created observational drawings of flowers. Their own individual observational drawing was then created using any of the mediums experienced so far. With the help of a viewfinder, part of their drawing was then used to create the design for their block print. The results were definitely effective.

After lunch, their design was then transferred onto lino, cut into, inked up and then worked on some more. A sense of achievement was felt by all-with a desire for certain prints to be framed! Finally, the group saw how they could create a clay relief from their designs…

A most enjoyable day, with students equipped to take some of the ideas into their own classrooms in the future.


One thought on “School Direct Art Day

  1. What a brilliant project. Joy, the quality of work that comes out from your studio is amazing and it’s so good to see your time and your talents being shared beyond ACE.

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