Well what a fortnight. Year 5LM certainly entered into the drama of Act 3, scene 4 in Shakespeare’s Macbeth.
Drama-with an encouragement to exaggerate movements, experiment with levels and to use physical contact- certainly helped in portraying the thoughts, feelings and emotions of the characters involved. Miss Allison was also able to draw on your ability to do this in the dance, so that as a class you performed an amazing, if somewhat eerie banquet. Well done for nailing those timings, working collaboratively and bringing the confusion and madness of Macbeth himself to the audience.
- Poised…
- Twirl…
- Cannon…
These comments will hopefully encourage you as you take part in the School’s Shakespeare Festival at Leeds Carriageworks Theatre on November 3rd.
“The dance was very clever and it’s wonderful to see their confidence. I can’t wait for the 3rd November!”
“The dance told a story and everyone looked like they enjoyed the performance.”
“Dance was amazing-I don’t quite know how you manage to pull it all together.”
- Modroc strips applied to a balloon
- The experts now teaching…
- Choosing the colours
- Cutting the ‘wrapping paper’
- Teamwork at times required
- Carefully gluing and wrapping
- Painting the gaps
- Glittered
- Pride of place at the table
Personally, I was very impressed with your Modroc banquet bowls! Although messy, requiring perseverance (the tissue paper and glue wrapping paper in particular) as well as the fine motor skills in covering a spherical shape you all succeeded! In addition, you all worked so hard on your feather drawings. Well done for some wonderful observational drawings, exploration of drawing materials and use of watercolour.
Your writes included a description of the painting ‘Banquo’s Ghost’, Lady Macbeth’s rant at her husband’s behaviour and the ravens account of proceedings at the banquet. Well done for all your hard work and using the learning environment to support learning-especially in spelling.
Thank you parents and interested adults for sharing and celebrating Year 5LM’s learning. We are so pleased that these afternoons give you an opportunity to spend time with your child discussing their successes and challenges as well as giving you an insight into the process.
- Enjoying the opportunity to create too
- Admiring the artwork
- Shout it out for Macbeth!
Some of the lovely comments shared about what was really liked:
“Teachers are willing to take time and explain…the art work is out of this world…the communication with family so that they see how well their child is progressing.”
“Hearing my son speak so passionately about an area of work I never thought he’d be interested in.”
“The interaction…the cafe to sample/purchase…the opportunity to see the resources available…the children’s enthusiasm and progress…fantastic workshop.”
Hi Miss, thank you for the chance to work with you.You have really widened my imagination and helped with my drawing skills.I feel like you have helped with my writing skills.You have really pushed me to my full potential.I really enjoyed working with you and I would do it again.
These past 2 week have been astonishing. I want Mrs Johnston to be Mrs Murphy’s assistant teacher because she is amazing. Allerton CE Primary is so lucky to have Mrs Johnston because she is a fantastic artist and the fact that we have the Art Studio… We are so lucky. With you teaching us drama, I think we have got a lot better learning our lines and understanding our lines. Please come and visit our classroom regularly.
Shams. ❤️❤️
I enjoyed doing drama because I improved my skills and learnt more about Macbeth.
I love what you have done to the blog and thank you for helping me be great at my writing. I have taken on all the words you told us to use but Iv’e also learnt more about where to put my my spellings.Thank you
Dear Mrs Johnston,
Thank you for the hard work you put in to our acting, it really made everyone much more confident. Miss Allison also helped a lot by choreographing the Banquet Dance it looks fabulous! I feel like the work on writing about Macbeth helped a lot with our acting and dancing as well. All the art we did was exceedingly fun and was very artistic! Thank you for all your hard work.
Liliana Whitaker
I’m really happy with our work that we all did during our two weeks in the art studio.
A big thank you to Mrs J for helping all of us do it all and a big thanks to Miss Murphy plus thanks to all of you for being such great team mates .well done to everyone!
Fingers crossed that we will as great on November 3rd!
Hi, Mrs Johnston,
Thank you for helping me with all the art and drama you’ve let us do.
From one of your 2 week students,
The drama lessons boosted my confidence greatly : I knew my lines off by heart at the end!
Mrs J always helps organise such a great dance, along with our fabulous new dance teacher : Mrs Allison!
My writing skills have been going uphill lately I can use a variety of sentence openers, adjectives and adverbs.
All the thanks goes to three wonderful teachers who have helped us with three amazing subjects: Miss Murphy for organising it all, Mrs J for helping us with our art, writing and drama skills and finally, Mrs Allison, for helping us put together our amazing dance which now we have even decided to use in our fantastic play which we will be performing on the Third of November at the Carrigeworks, Macbeth.