This is me…This is us…We are 5W

Transformation is the word that springs to mind when reflecting on 5W’s learning journey in the art studio. We have learnt together the importance of conversation and how listening to others, responding to what we hear and being genuinely interested in each other is good. It requires us to pause and be relational.

Daring to share a little or a lot of who we are has brought understanding, discovery and support. Together we have seen how cooperation is helpful, how being open to others and their suggestions can add something different to our usual and how stepping out of our comfort zones when encouraged and supported results in new experiences and accomplishments.  5W, I am so proud of you all. You are blooming!

Our illustrated initial captured a little of who and what made us who we are as individuals, with our ‘I am’ poems sharing this in greater detail.

An individual flower –pastel, pencil crayon and water colour-shared the ingredients that enabled us as an individual to bloom, whereas the collaborative flower, created with a partner provided the opportunity to work on a piece of art that required collaboration from all in 5W.

The ‘Plinth People’ –self-portrait style wire sculptures-captured the individual but were a collective in terms of representing the unique and wonderfully made young people that make up 5W. Hopefully, you see our personalities within these dynamic and personal creations.

Thank you to the parents and interested adults that could make it to our arts celebration. Hopefully, the following photographs of the time in the studio as well as the feedback shared will give you a glimpse of the tangible joy experienced as the successes and challenges of the fortnight were shared.

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