Along with shelter building, bread making and bespoke jewellery creations with Mr Arnett, 3A experienced pottery, gestural drawing, Mono-printing and cave art.
After bashing the air out of their ball of clay, the Cave Lions took a piece of their clay, rolled it into a ball and then pressing down with the heel of their hand flattened it into a circle. This became the base of their pot. To make their coils, they took another small amount from their ball of clay and rolled it into a long cylinder (sausage).

After scoring/hatching the coil, they then gently wound it around the base. In order to create an even surface, the coils were blended together inside and outside. Using their clay tool, lines were etched onto the clay surface for decoration. During the next few days, the children saw how their malleable material changed to a ceramic material as it dried. Their clay pots were impressive.

Colourful gestural drawings of grapes, blackberries and apples-foraged fruits found in the school grounds- was made with lots of quick movements using coloured marker, oil pastel, pencil crayon and watercolour. They saw how the fine lines of hatching and cross hatching gave an effect of shade.

In their Mono-printmaking, Cave Lion paw prints inspired. After inking up their acrylic boards, cotton buds were used to mark make onto the board. Numerous paw prints was the result from this one off printmaking technique.

In a torch lit art studio, Year 3A explored simple expressive mark making using charcoal (made from the burning of wood). They traced around their hands onto sugar paper and then discovered how their charcoal markings could be smudged as well as layered with white chalk, how an eraser could bring light to their marks as well as how to make a palette of charcoal by rubbing charcoal on the paper until the surface becomes dark black and covered in charcoal dust. Their fingers then became the drawing tool to make new marks around the negative space hand prints

. After scrunching up a new piece of sugar paper, these techniques were then used by the Cave Lions to create their own cave art which they wallpapered the interior of a cardboard box with.

In addition to the above, 3A also designed and created tabards from newspaper and then hessian- not animal skin! Initially, a small mannequin and newspaper was presented to each trio. They then used this design to make a newspaper pattern for a child. This was then made into a hessian garment. Running stitch was the stitch used to join the hessian pieces together. The results were inspired, with each tabard unique, and demonstrating collaboration and sewing skills.

Once again, Friday afternoon was a celebration of 3A’s learning. It was wonderful to see the Cave Lions share what they had been up to with their parent(s) and or interested adult.

A huge thank you goes to Miss Whiteley and Mrs Howard who managed to bake rolls within their allocated 20 minute slot as well as host a quiz. In addition, our ACE Role Models lived up to their name as they chaperoned each group from one activity to another. Here are just some of the lovely comments shared on the feedback forms:
‘Thank you so much! What a fantastic afternoon! It’s brilliant to see all the children’s artwork and enthusiasm.‘
‘An amazing presentation for the work done in detail. Excellent work.’
‘The art celebration assembly was great! It is wonderful that this time is given to the children. It is also great that as a parent we can share in this as well. Thank you. ‘
‘I really enjoyed being taken around and seeing all the fun things the students have been part of. The 3 different sessions were fun and insightful.‘
‘Awesome artwork, really enjoyed joining in with making the tools in the outside classroom and making bread.’
‘It was fantastic to get to see all the wonderful artwork I’ve been hearing about for the last two weeks!’
‘It’s always great to learn or re-learn facts!! Never too old. Thank you.’
‘A very well organised event. I had a great time experiencing Stone Age activities.’