What a grey, drizzly day we chose to walk to our local woods and the ‘Seven Arches. However, there was birdsong and bluebells to inspire and influence our art.

A sponge technique created the sky and brushstrokes made the grass for the background.

Our observational drawings of the trees in the orchard inspired our woodland scenes. I was impressed with the 1BN’s focus as they looked and looked again before lightly sketching the trunk, branches, leaves and blossom.

With sketchbooks positioned next to our backgrounds, we set to work on creating our woods. Using a variety of drawing media-pastels, pencil crayons, felt tips and wax crayons as well as pencil-we then created our woodland scenes. Bluebells were then added. I think the pictures produced were beautiful and showcased 1BN as artists.

Inspired by Jeanne Willis’ ‘The Bog Baby’, 1BN each had a go at building their own with plasticine. On the whole, these first attempts were very flat and two dimensional. Therefore, we went again, after a crash course in creating spheres and sausages! The plasticine did require us to squeeze, manipulate, twist and bend it, which definitely gave our fingers a work out.

During this session, we looked at the difference between an illustration of a creature-dragon, starfish, shark to that of a three dimensional one. We definitely made progress, and within 1BN there are some gifted model makers. Some of their bog babies, did feature in their woodland scenes.

Friday’s dance performance, choreographed by Miss Patchett, wonderfully captured the awe and wonder of the woods with a sprinkle of magic. It was so lovely to share 1BN’s learning with their adults and interested adults.

Here are some of the lovely comments from the afternoon:
‘We enjoyed the children’s performance, and looking at the children’s artwork. Robyn enjoyed decorating the matchboxes.’
‘Pixie (role model) was a brilliant host. Top Afternoon. Art classroom looks ACE. Well done everyone.’
‘Daniel has really enjoyed his Arts Fortnight. It has been a great opportunity to be here this afternoon and see the school in action.’
‘Fab dancing. Great organisation. I like the four stations and moving around with the Role Model from Y6.’
‘It’s really lovely to be invited into school to see all the brilliant work the children have been doing. Really appreciate the chance to see Phoebe in her school environment, showing us what she has been working on.’
‘Well put together. Enjoyed all sessions. Liked seeing what she’s been up to creatively. The bog baby hunt was a lovely idea. Fantastic dance performance. Well done 1BN.’
‘It was great to see all the work that is being done with the children. Especially being focused on the development of their creative skills. Both the teachers and children did an exceptional job.’
‘Thank you for showing us around the school and all the great projects the children have worked on. Alex was proud to show his work.’
‘It was a surprise for me cause I was only expecting some arts hanging on the wall. Instead I had the opportunity to see a lot. Love the dance performance a lot. Fantastic book reading. My favourite was the outside class. Very bright and fresh. Thanks.’
‘Great artwork and dancing! Thank you to all the teachers for all your efforts.’
‘A lovely session, we really enjoyed it. A good chance to see the lovely setting. Loved that the bog babies were hidden in the orchard.’
‘Really lovely seeing the variety of things they’ve been doing. Loved the dance and the art studio is amazing. Judah has absolutely loved his art fortnight.’
‘A fantastic afternoon. It was lovely to see the variety of activities that the children have been doing at such high quality. Thank you everyone for all your hard work.’
‘There was much more to see and get involved in than I was expecting. It was really lovely to see and the performance was great.’