‘Starjik! Whisper his name and it was winter in your heart.’

The opening pages of Robert Swindell’s book ‘Ice Palace’ provided the hook for the arts fortnight with 3ES. Through storytelling and non-chronological report writing, weaving and observational drawings, dance and baking the pages were brought to life.

It was such a privilege to work with a class who created magical stories; persevered and triumphed in their weaving; in stillness focused and looked so that their drawings captured the objects; and in dance expressed through movement and drama the tyranny of Starjik! As those who had the fortune of sharing 3ES’ learning journey, the avalanche boulders were delightful too.

These comments capture the learning and enjoyment, pride and celebration of Friday afternoon.

Thank you to all of the interested adults, parents and grandparents for being an attentive and engaged audience in more ways than one! In addition, thank you for supporting your child in the editing of their writing, listening as they shared their learning and being prepared to have a go.


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