Dr Seuss’ book ‘The Lorax’ certainly inspired our learning together. Thank you 3ES for working as scientists, mathematicians, artists, dancers, chefs and authors over the fortnight. Together we:
- explored and identified some of the trees in our school grounds
- measured the circumference of tree trunks and the length of leaves
- What do you see, hear and feel…
- Getting to grips with measuring…
- What is the circumference?
- created 5 word slogans to capture what we now appreciated about trees
- effectively used felt tips, wax crayons and acrylic paint to create collaborative mixed media leaf artwork
- Carefully cutting
- Having a go at stippling our initials
- Our 5 word slogans
- shared the impact of deforestation through dance
- baked scrumptious apple crumbles
- built our own Lerkim’s
- Seed dispersal by the wind
- Growing into a tree
- The forlorn Bar-ba-loots
- Building our Lerkims
- Using our Scrapshed materials
- wrote letters to the old Once-ler suggesting solutions so that the Bar-ba-Loots, Swomee Swans and Humming-Fish could once again live in the glorious place where the Truffula Trees grow
- transformed the art studio from a blank canvas to a celebration of your learning
Thank you parents, carers and interested adults for sharing in 3ES’s Arts Celebration-you were an appreciative audience as we shared our dance TWICE! It was wonderful to see the conversations and smiles as you engaged in the measuring, reading, baking and art activities alongside your child. Thank you for coming, your encouragement and appreciative comments. ‘The Lorax’ books are on order for the next class. Hopefully the story will capture more year groups over the coming year.
What a fabulous start to the year.
Dr Seuss….an inspired choice!