What a privilege it has been to work with Year 6. To drench them in vocabulary- which they have then made sense of- so that words and phrases were brought to life in dance, story and art.
Collaboration and trust have been integral to this process, as has ‘having a go’ and editing and revising. Thank you 6SK and 6LM for responding to feedback and putting yourselves wholeheartedly into the fortnight. As a cohort you oozed creativity, energy and enthusiasm. Don’t be afraid to continue to use your imaginations, dare to explore and express yourself through the arts…it is a beautiful medium.
Hopefully these photographs taken by John Sherbourne on the afternoon of the Celebration, as well as the comments from interested adults and parents will make you smile. Keep the focus and believe that you can.
‘Thoroughly enjoyed seeing what my Grandson and his classmates have done. Very impressed.’
‘I really enjoyed seeing Oscar’s work and sharing his learning. The interactive format was fun.’
‘An interesting and fun afternoon. Lots of activities. It was good to see what the children have been learning.’
‘A lovely afternoon. Thoroughly enjoyed every aspect and the opportunity to share (and experience) some of my son’s learning over the fortnight. Thank you.’
Our art fortnight was a good thing to do because we can learn new things such as art and wax resist and sewing and how to start stitching.It was also an enjoyable thing to do. At first I couldn’t sew because I couldn’t fit the thread in the hole.
Thank you for the art fortnight with you and the rest of 6SK. The art fortnight was really enjoyable because 6SK created incredible masterpieces with cardboard and plasticine. Dance was really awesome because it energised me and we performed it live in front of our parents.
The fortnight was so enjoyable as it made me be more confident in my learning.It encouraged me to have more trust with my class in dance and a group task. But doing a group task was was really hard because everyone in my group had different ideas. However it worked out anyway! My work has improved over the two weeks because I took pride in my work and believed in myself.
During our art fortnight experience we visited Adel Woods and I loved it.I was a bit proud off my drawing because I’m really bad at drawing but my writing I’m proud of because I’m good at that.
My time during the art studio has been a wonderful experience.A massive thanks to Mrs Johnston and Mrs Lynch for making this possible.
The fortnight was so enjoyable even though there were some challenges . I learned lots of new vocabulary which I could include in my writing. The experience was spectacular. I think that our class really collaborated in art and dance, but it was difficult, difficult because everyone in my group had amazing ideas. However, over the fortnight we learned to listen to each other and make an amazing art piece and an amazing dance. I am so proud of myself and my class.
My favourite thing about doing the fortnight was the dancing and the art because it made our class work together and listen to each other ides more.The hardest thing about being in the studio was the writing because of the different kind of vocabulary.When we started to practice the dance I was nervous because I thought my classmates would laugh at me but then I realised that no one was laughing at me they were getting on with their own thing .When it was the last day of being in the art studio I was happy because of how well I did but sad because I really enjoyed myself .
At the art fortnight we learnt how to sew and to make different colours to create some great pieces of art. We went to Adel Woods and had little sheets that we used to find the definition in the woods. After the walk to the woods we wrote down our experience.
What I enjoyed about the fortnight was the spectacular dance because dance is my favourite subject in school. What I liked about the dance was that it was dramatic and had great movements in it.We also got to sew I didn’t really know how to sew before but now I’m better at it.
My experience over the fortnight has been a great experience. My favourite part was the art because there was stitching which I learned it last Christmas with my dad. My second favourite part was the story because I was able to let my imagination go wild. My least favourite part was dance because I don’t do dance and I don’t trust.
The Art Fortnight was amazing, and my favourite part was making the Wood Wide web.The reason why it is my favourite because all of the class worked together and it turned out to be great.