Over the past fortnight in the art studio, 2B have been looking at the seasons and weather in the United Kingdom and India. We learnt that the United Kingdom has four seasons and India has SIX! Miss Patchett worked with 2B in order to create a dance to represent this, with the children contributing to the choreography.
Pre-Winter and Monsoon are the additional two seasons in India. Observational drawings of umbrellas were sketched in pencil crayon to represent the monsoon season-lots and lots of heavy rainfall.

2B produced four impressive collaborative collages of Leeds city centre during the United Kingdom’s four seasons of Autumn, Winter, Spring and Summer. If you look carefully, you might be able to spot some human features such as the John Lewis shopping centre, the Corn Exchange and the Town Hall.

Together we looked at how symbols are used to show the different types of weather experienced. This is when we were introduced to the weather ‘sleet’ and understood the term ‘intervals’ when used with sunny. Each child then created their own symbols. These designs were then made into batik. Batik requires a steady hand and lots of concentration because hot wax and dye is used. The results were fabulous.

Referencing the colours of their weather, 2B then put their hand to weaving on a cardboard loom. Along with ’loom’, they were introduced to the vocabulary of ‘warp’, ‘weft’ and ‘yarn/wool’. A needle was used to take the wool under and over the warp. We learnt that we threaded the wool through the ‘eye’ of the needle. Some of 2B used a closed slot weave (created a box or square within their weaving) and had a go at creating a ‘rya’ or a tassel.

In an atlas, rainfall is depicted by blues and temperature by reds. This is when we discovered that India is wetter and warmer than the United Kingdom. We recorded this in our paintings. In order to make a range of blues and reds, we had to make tints and shades. This we did by adding white to make the tint and black to make the shade.

Thank you to the parents, grandparents, big sisters, interested adults and role models who joined in 2B’s arts celebration.

The following feedback was truly lovely:
‘The Indian dance was fantastic! The children looked to be really enjoying themselves and were very proud to show their work to their adults.’
‘We have had a brilliant afternoon looking at 2B’s work. It was all super impressive to watch and see.’
‘It was a lovely afternoon. I loved it.’
‘Very well put together. Appreciate the effort.’
‘A lovely afternoon seeing all the things that Matthew has been coming home and talking about. He has really enjoyed his tie in the art studio. The role models were amazing too!’
‘Thank you for inviting us! We had a great time seeing all the hard work Ethan has done as well as wiggling his hips during the dancing!’
‘The lessons were very engaging. Children seem to enjoy their learning!’
‘I really enjoyed this afternoon. The kids get so excited to show off what they have been learning and creating.’
‘We really enjoyed seeing their individual work, and the children showing their own work and talking about it. Also liked being shown around by the role models-they’re great. Also really good that we were given plenty of notice so we could make sure we had time off work.’
‘An unforgettable day. Thanks.’