On the 29th March, 4SH spent their day in the graphic design studio at Leeds Beckett University. It was an opportunity for them to create and share their learning of the ‘Winds of Change’ project through drawing, collage, sculpture and riso-printing.

As Dr Liz Stirling (Senior Lecturer) shared, ‘We were all really pleased with how well the day went. The children were just brilliant. They were so creative, interesting, had so much energy and lots to say and ask about – quite an example for our students.
The project has gone really well and it was great to see lots of the energy sustainability material that Mr Magnall has taught them naturally appearing in all the 3d models and drawings. Thinking about where energy comes from and how it can be used, they shared inventively and playfully. Talking with some of them during the day, they were really excited to tell me about the school’s sustainability direction and talked about growing food – sweetcorn! – apple trees, having a garden…and the daily mile! They were really proud of being eco- councillors and having an environmental club and clearly felt involved in the process and connected to nature in the school.
Students and staff came and had a look and were very impressed by the quality and passion of the work and how free it felt around important ideas.’

A big thank you goes to Aimee, Tom and Selin-the graphic design students- who have inspired 4SH during the Spring Term on a Wednesday afternoon and organised the workshops and exhibition to consolidate and celebrate the learning.